Golf Putting Tests to Check Your Accuracy
by Staff Writer
Are you experiencing a lack of accuracy in your putting
game? Then you may not be striking the ball square at impact which is
absolutely critical for controlling accuracy in putting. There are a few quick
tests that can provide you immediate feedback as to how square your putter
clubface is at impact and therefore how accurate your putting game is. There
could be a number of reasons of why you are not striking the ball square at
impact but these test well let you know if you need to make changes to your putting

Another good test is to use a golf ball that has a line
around it. A lot of range balls have lines around them and works well for this
test. If you do not have a range ball then use a magic mark to draw a circle
line around the ball. Now place the ball on the ground with the line facing the
target line. When you are looking down on the ball the line would be parallel
to your feet. Strike the ball with your normal putting stroke. If the ball rolls
with the line staying parallel to the target line then you are hitting the ball
square. However, if the ball rolls with a lot of wobble then it is time for you
to review your putting fundamentals and make some correction.
If you are unable to pass these tests then there may be a
number of reasons for what is causing the problem. A few possible areas to look at are improper
body alignment, upper body not working
as one unit, unstable lower body, looking up to soon, flexing of the wrists and
eyes not over the ball just to name a few. However these are quick test you can perform
often to determine if your golf putting fundamentals are solid or whether it is
time you need to do some work.
The ability to strike the ball square at impact
every time is not easy and does take a lot of practice, patience and good
understanding of the proper putting fundamentals.
List of all Articles & VideoTips
the basic putting fundamentals key to a successful putting game. Illustrates
how to build a solid putting grip, proper eye position, correct upper and lower
body and implementing the upper body triangle method.
Steps toStay on Top of Your Putting Game by Staff Writer
Five Most Common Putting Mistakes by Jack
Steps toStay on Top of Your Putting Game by Staff Writer
A key
factor in keeping your golf score down is staying on top of your putting game. We
have heard time and again that putting accounts for roughly forty percent of
the strokes in a game however, amateurs and weekend golfers still spend the
least amount of time keeping up with their putting game.
DevelopingPendulum Motion Putting Stroke by Scott Monroe
takes you step by step to develop the correct method for the pendulum putting
How toPutt Lesson 101 for Beginners by Staff Writer
have outlined the key fundamentals that must be incorporated into your putting
game to be successful. Although putting styles do differ among professional
tour players there are certain fundamentals that they all follow.
PuttingTips from Seve Ballesteros by Seve Ballesteros
the putting golf grip he used but also explains other techniques. Seve then
goes over the proper putting setup and the correct posture. Points out where to
position your feet and to keep your eyes directly over the ball.
Steps toStay on Top of Your Putting Game by Staff Writer
A key
factor in keeping your golf score down is staying on top of your putting game. We
have heard time and again that putting accounts for roughly forty percent of
the strokes in a game however, amateurs and weekend golfers still spend the
least amount of time keeping up with their putting game.
How toProperly Setup By Brady Riggs
putting setup start with the grip. Keep the palms together. Recommends the
reverse overlap grip. Keep your forearms even. The forearms need to be parallel
to the target line
Steps fora Pre-Putt Putting Routine by Staff Writer
styles among professional PGA tour players do differ but one thing that is a
constant is that they all follow a pre-putt routine before every putt they
putts are from 5 to 15 feet. These short putts probably make up about 25-30
percent of your total score. You don't need a golf lesson to figure out that if
you sink more of these short putts, you'd lower your golf handicap by at least
a couple of strokes.
Golf Putting Tips For Reading Greens by Scott
your like me, you tend to think about golf 24-7, and what you need to do with
your putting game to lower your scores and play better golf. Now the biggest
difference between the weekend hacker and a Pro on tour is the ability to score
with their short game, more specifically, putting.
Four Simple Tips for Beginners by Robin Boddy
you having been playing golf for years or you are relatively new to the game,
more than likely if there is one area that you need some work on, it is your