Lessons on Putting Fundamentals

Golf Putting Tips For Reading Greens

by Scott Myers

If your like me, you tend to think about golf 24-7, and what you need to do with your putting game to lower your scores and play better golf. Now the biggest difference between the weekend hacker and a Pro on tour is the ability to score with their short game, more specifically, putting.

You can spend all the hours in the day practicing your putting stroke, distance control, grip, stance, and alignment (which will obviously improve your putting), but in order to be a great putter you need to hone your ability to read the greens. A high handicap golfer will tend to just walk up to the ball, take a quick glance at the putt, address the ball and take the putt. A low handicapper however, will spend the majority of their time reading the break of the green to line up their putt. Better golfers know that a good putting stroke makes little difference if you can't predict how the ball will behave once it starts rolling.

The best way for the average golfer to read greens is to forget what they see the Pros doing. You have to remember, these guys have an incredible amount of experience over you when it comes to being able to accurately read greens. If you're a novice or beginner golfer, get down on your hands and knees, (don't worry about looking silly when doing this) and take a good look at the ground between your ball and the hole. You'll want to look for any imperfections on the surface of the green and how you think the will affect the way the ball will roll.

Determine if your putt will be an uphill, or downhill putt, and try to estimate the playing distance of the putt. Take in to consideration if the grass is dry or damp. The drier and more firm the green, the longer the ball will roll when compared to the same putt on a slightly damp green.

The way the grass has been cut can also be a factor in how long the ball rolls when struck by the putter. The closer the grass is cut the faster the ball will roll. Longer grass will slow the ball down causing the ball to roll a shorter distance.

As you can see, many different factors come into play when reading greens properly. Learning to read greens is an extremely important skill when it comes to shooting lower scores and playing our best golf out on the course. After all, we drive for show - and putt for dough!

Scott Myers has helped golfers of all skill levels start shooting the best golf scores of their life by teaching a simple, step-by-step putting formula designed to drop 9-to-11 strokes in as little as 5 minutes.

To learn more about his breakthrough method, visit: Breakthrough Putting Secrets Revealed today.

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